Sunday, March 17, 2013

My experience of night photography @ India Gate clickwalk

India Gate @ night clickwalk  

This was my first night clickwalk rather it was a first for the group. I really freaked out and enjoyed.

We were all suppose to meet @ 7 pm and Romel was to get his second tripod for me but becoz the complete India Gate was corderned off due to security reasons and parking lots were also closed. He reached an hour late by finding the parking near Patiala House courts with great diffculty .Instead of waiting for the tripod, I tried shooting by keeping my camera on the baricades which were kept to stop people to approach India Gate. All I had to manage was to save my camera from people but it was easy and I started clicking.Today was the first time when I really opened up and experimented with speed n aparture and really
enjoyed a lot.

I think amture photographers like me should not worry about a perfect photograph, they being amture should just experiment and learn. If the shots r not great you have an excuse of being new :) in case of good shots you will get the credit.

I enjoyed it and my walk from India Gate to Rashtripati Bhawan was a true clickwalk as I was walking I was clicking and captured some really artistic photographs of walking and moving lights. These look great, I love them ;) stopped at various points and clicked around some people and lights. Becoz aparture was high and speed low I wanted to capture moving people but most of the time I could only capture some shadows...I still need to learn how do I
capture people like walking ghosts..hopefully will do in next night walk but I am happy to capture some moving traffic shots well

India Gate @ night clickwalk 

 India Gate @ night clickwalk 

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 Rashtrapati Bhawan @ night clickwalk  

 Parliment House @ night clickwalk  

This time I have not done any postprocessing and used my photographs as it is. Some of the things that I learnt for night photography are:

1. Always carry a Tripod for night photography as it allows you to take photogrtaphs at any angle while keeping the camera steady, even for long exposures.

2. Our imagination is what works the most @ night photography with things around us in regular life that help us make our work better. Here I’ve used lamp

posts and street lights to get the effect.

3.  Night photography settings, ofcourse I am not an expert on this but in my opinion you should use narrow aperture and slow shutter speed for night

It was not that diffult as I was expecting but for sure real fun...I would like to go for more night walks but would need tips from others on how to capture
good night photographs and what kind of effects I can create.