Sunday, March 17, 2013

My experience of night photography @ India Gate clickwalk

India Gate @ night clickwalk  

This was my first night clickwalk rather it was a first for the group. I really freaked out and enjoyed.

We were all suppose to meet @ 7 pm and Romel was to get his second tripod for me but becoz the complete India Gate was corderned off due to security reasons and parking lots were also closed. He reached an hour late by finding the parking near Patiala House courts with great diffculty .Instead of waiting for the tripod, I tried shooting by keeping my camera on the baricades which were kept to stop people to approach India Gate. All I had to manage was to save my camera from people but it was easy and I started clicking.Today was the first time when I really opened up and experimented with speed n aparture and really
enjoyed a lot.

I think amture photographers like me should not worry about a perfect photograph, they being amture should just experiment and learn. If the shots r not great you have an excuse of being new :) in case of good shots you will get the credit.

I enjoyed it and my walk from India Gate to Rashtripati Bhawan was a true clickwalk as I was walking I was clicking and captured some really artistic photographs of walking and moving lights. These look great, I love them ;) stopped at various points and clicked around some people and lights. Becoz aparture was high and speed low I wanted to capture moving people but most of the time I could only capture some shadows...I still need to learn how do I
capture people like walking ghosts..hopefully will do in next night walk but I am happy to capture some moving traffic shots well

India Gate @ night clickwalk 

 India Gate @ night clickwalk 

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 India Gate @ night clickwalk  

 Rashtrapati Bhawan @ night clickwalk  

 Parliment House @ night clickwalk  

This time I have not done any postprocessing and used my photographs as it is. Some of the things that I learnt for night photography are:

1. Always carry a Tripod for night photography as it allows you to take photogrtaphs at any angle while keeping the camera steady, even for long exposures.

2. Our imagination is what works the most @ night photography with things around us in regular life that help us make our work better. Here I’ve used lamp

posts and street lights to get the effect.

3.  Night photography settings, ofcourse I am not an expert on this but in my opinion you should use narrow aperture and slow shutter speed for night

It was not that diffult as I was expecting but for sure real fun...I would like to go for more night walks but would need tips from others on how to capture
good night photographs and what kind of effects I can create.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Clikwalk @ Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary

I had written this blog long back when I visited Sultanbird Sanctuary but posting it late ...
Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary is one of the best places around Delhi and NCR for nature lovers, bird watchers and photographers and for picnic as well. Here you get to see quite a lot of migratory birds through out the months of winter.

I really enjoyed my visit to Sultanpur National Park Bird Sanctuary, My wife Manvir and son Agrim also were with me along with few other clickwalkers. Though I enjoyed early morning drive to the destination and the walk there but I think I still need to spend more time to get familiar with birds' behaviour to understand their moves and to get a good photograph. In my two bird walks I learned what surely not to do which I would like to share with you all:
1. Don't make noise or talk aloud, be calmn and watch your steps, don't step on dry leaves or branches. 
2. Don't run toward birds and try n get too close to them, they get sacred and fly away.
3. Bright clothes can make you more visible and scare the birds
4. For a good shot focus on the eye of the bird.
5. Prefocus your lens on the spot where you noticed the bird previously. Within minutes a bird may be back, and you may get several frames before it flies away again.
6. Must have good binoculars to find and track the birds from a distance

I am not a good wildlife or bird watcher...might be that this was my second bird watch trip and that also without binoculars. I could see some of them clearly visible but some which others could spot I just had to follow their directions to locate the bird :)

Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary migratory bird

Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary migratory bird

Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, Migratory birds

Oh ! forgot to tell that Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary is located at Sultanpur, Gurgaon District, Haryana, India. It is located 15 kilometres from Gurgaon, Haryana and approx.40 kms from Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi. Every year more than 100 migratory bird species arrive at Sultanpur in search of feeding grounds and to pass the harsh winter. There is pathway made all around the lake and it takes good 2 to 3 hours to finish the entire circuit.

If you are coming from Dhaula Kuan, after crossing the Toll take Exit 10 and go right below the flyover. From there the road straight leads to Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary approx. 14 km. The road is good and the drive early morning surely is great but on your way back you will find traffic.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Click walk @ Kashmere Gate

A small early walk to Kashmere Gate gives you an opportunity to see many good monuments in peace with very little traffic. You can enjoy the monuments of Britisher's first residential estates in Delhi at Kashmere Gate. Most of these monuments have a nice story to tell...though we were not with any historian who could have guided us or updated with the stories but still we managed to get some info. with jugggar and one friend Riddhish who has been there earlier.

Let me tell about the places to visit around Kashmere gate and while I talk about those places, I will mention briefly the importance of these places in our history.

The best way to reach Kashmere Gate is by Metro. Get down at Kashmere gate station, come out at gate no.4 and next to it the first destination to visit:

1. Nicholson Cemetery:  Take right from gate no.4 and in just few steps you will be at Nicholson Cemetery. This is a place where you will get to see some of the amazingly carved gravestones and memorials. This place is named after the British General John Nicholson who died fighting with Indian soldiers in 1857 uprising. You can see his grave on right side after entering the Cemetery.
To be honest this is one place where I have seen so many nicely carved and decorated gravestones  some of them were so beautiful but I couldn't capture them as the Cemetery is not well kept and have overgrown grass all around but nevertheless I loved the place.

Grave of Brig. Gen. John Nicholson , Delhi, India
Grave of Brig. Gen. John Nicholson 

Nicholson Cemetery. Graves, Delhi, India
Nicholson Cemetery

Nicholson Cemetery. Graves, Delhi, India
Nicholson Cemetery

Nicholson Cemetery. Graves, Delhi, India
Nicholson Cemetery

2. Kashmere Gate:   Few meters away from the Nicholson Cemetery is this Kashmere gate which is named so as not only a road which lead to Kashmir from the walled city of Delhi but it was also facing Kashmir. No more you get to see the the huge monument of Kashmere gate which it used to be earlier. It was built by the Britishers and became famous as the key battle of the Mutiny of 1857 . 

Kashmere Gate Monument, Delhi, India

Kashmere Gate Monument, Delhi, India
Kashmere Gate Monument, Delhi, India
3. Kashmere Gate market Walk:   From Kashmere gate take left and walk pass the Kashmere gate market which is a busy market in the day but we were Click walking here early morning still we could capture some good and colorful photographs. While passing through the market you will come across The Fakhr-ul- Masjid, old Hindu college and St. Stephen college building.

Food Hawker @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India
Food Hawker @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India 

Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India, old Delhi monuments
Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India

Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India, old Delhi monuments
Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi market, India

Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India, old Delhi monuments
Road side barber @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India

Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India, old Delhi monuments
Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India

Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India, old Delhi monuments

Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India

4.  St. James Church:   Just opposite to St. Stephens college is St. James Church, one of the oldest churches in Delhi was built in 1836 by Colonel James Skinner. It's a beautifully designed Church with stained glass windows and a central octagonal dome. Behind the church is the bungalow of British Commissioners of Delhi, William Frazer, who is also buried in the church graveyard. St. James Church, Kashmere Gate, Old Delhi, India

St. James Church @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India 

St. James Church @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India 

St. James Church @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India 

There is lot more to see around, unfortunately we couldn't do a Click walk to these but I will surely list them down for others to know and will share my experience and photographs whenever I visit these places next. Don't miss visiting Dara Shikoh’s Library in I P University Campus, Telegraph Memorial and British Magazine a storehouse where Britishers use to store weapons and ammunition.      

Nice building next to St. James Church @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India 

ISPCK Lighthouse on back of to St. James Church @ Kashmere Gate market, Old Delhi, India 

liked the composition 

Old Delhi 110016, India