Monday, January 7, 2013

Clikwalk @ Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary

I had written this blog long back when I visited Sultanbird Sanctuary but posting it late ...
Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary is one of the best places around Delhi and NCR for nature lovers, bird watchers and photographers and for picnic as well. Here you get to see quite a lot of migratory birds through out the months of winter.

I really enjoyed my visit to Sultanpur National Park Bird Sanctuary, My wife Manvir and son Agrim also were with me along with few other clickwalkers. Though I enjoyed early morning drive to the destination and the walk there but I think I still need to spend more time to get familiar with birds' behaviour to understand their moves and to get a good photograph. In my two bird walks I learned what surely not to do which I would like to share with you all:
1. Don't make noise or talk aloud, be calmn and watch your steps, don't step on dry leaves or branches. 
2. Don't run toward birds and try n get too close to them, they get sacred and fly away.
3. Bright clothes can make you more visible and scare the birds
4. For a good shot focus on the eye of the bird.
5. Prefocus your lens on the spot where you noticed the bird previously. Within minutes a bird may be back, and you may get several frames before it flies away again.
6. Must have good binoculars to find and track the birds from a distance

I am not a good wildlife or bird watcher...might be that this was my second bird watch trip and that also without binoculars. I could see some of them clearly visible but some which others could spot I just had to follow their directions to locate the bird :)

Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary migratory bird

Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary migratory bird

Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, Migratory birds

Oh ! forgot to tell that Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary is located at Sultanpur, Gurgaon District, Haryana, India. It is located 15 kilometres from Gurgaon, Haryana and approx.40 kms from Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi. Every year more than 100 migratory bird species arrive at Sultanpur in search of feeding grounds and to pass the harsh winter. There is pathway made all around the lake and it takes good 2 to 3 hours to finish the entire circuit.

If you are coming from Dhaula Kuan, after crossing the Toll take Exit 10 and go right below the flyover. From there the road straight leads to Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary approx. 14 km. The road is good and the drive early morning surely is great but on your way back you will find traffic.


  1. One more important point which I realised after few wildlife Click-Walks that, You need to be very patient if your purpose is photography. First observe where most of the activities are happening, then decide a location where light is photo friendly. Then try to settle there quietly, I know its difficult. Initially the birds may fly away from you but you need to hold and spent some time without much movement. Slowly the birds will accept your presence and will start to ignore you. Once this trust is built, you are gonna enjoy clicking.

    Sanjiv keep engaging us by your blog and please get ClickWalk going forever. :)

    And a BIG thank for including my frames in your blog... :) I'm happy...

  2. Hey Romel, Thanks for sharing ur amazing photographs. You can have more uploaded and let the world see and admire them...

  3. Can I join ya guys with out a camera ?


  4. Sure! We go out almost every weekend around Delhi. Please follow our group "Click Walk" on Facebook. Also we go for Food Walk. We will be more than happy to make you as part of our group. It is free and open group for people who are like minded.
